Friday, August 17, 2012


Mark's surprise present

  As Mark sat down,he felt something moving moving next to his leg. What was it ? At thatmoment Mark felt icredibly scared!
Mark was on holida with his family at a campingnsite in Crete. They were staying in tents at midnight, Mark had decided to call his best friend Ali.
 He had already called  Ali, but she didn't answer him.In this way Mark supposed that Ali should have been on holiday with her parents in LA . A few minutes later ,he started to be absolutely worred and scared , because he undersood  what he felt near his leg . it was a large COMBRA . He started scratching when he showed it to his parents.
 Of course , he had forgotten that he had his birthday and that he asked his parents for a large and poisonous snake .
 After a few minutes he seemed so cross with his best friend that he never talk to her again. The question was "What he going to do now with the giant snake?"

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